My blog about talking about the world as it is. No mincing of words.
Free speech a limited commodity
Published on April 3, 2005 By Mmrnmhrm In Politics
Why is it that the crowd that is always screaming McCarthyism and Fascism at its political opponents the same crowd that is usually the one actually stomping on the rights of free speech?

San Francisco, for instance, apparently wants bloggers to register with the city. Bloggers who talk about politics may have to pay a special tax.

Meanwhile, conservative commentator Pat Buchanan was attacked at Western Michigan University this past week as he was speaking by a far left protester screaming "Stop the bigotry".

Earlier in the week, the editor of the conservative magazine, The Weekly Standard, was attacked while giving a speech at Erlham College.

While researching this article, I could find no examples of left-wing advocates being attacked while giving their speeches. I guess free speech is good as long as it's the..correct speech I guess.


on Apr 04, 2005
blogging has become a very special tool and I think will eventually be regulated in someways (mostly because it makes making a website sooooo easy)

On the plus side of things, blogging has become so popular at this point an time, that newspaper of small towns are allowing people to speak on the local fair of the day along with journalists.
on Apr 04, 2005
FReedom of Speech has always been selective because the left believes that it is morally supeior to the Right and is on the right side of history. This is sheer arrogance.
on Apr 04, 2005
Why is it that the crowd that is always screaming McCarthyism and Fascism at its political opponents the same crowd that is usually the one actually stomping on the rights of free speech?

i'm sorta lost here because the article about blog regulation to which you link has nothing at all that would lead one to conclude this is a right-left issue. the first comment links to an article explaining the reason for the proposed law as well as condemning it for being poorly conceived. the commentator appears to be fairly conversant with sf bay democratic party political infighting, leading me to suspect he is far more likely on the left than right.

which leads me to wonder how and why this appears to you to be an assualt on either side rather than on BOTH sides?
on Apr 04, 2005
the left believes that it is morally supeior to the Right and is on the right side of history. This is sheer arrogance.

as opposed to the sheer stupidity of reacting to something without having actually read enough about it to reach an educated conclusion?
on Apr 04, 2005

More info here:

Short story: Won't affect blogs (hopefully).

on Apr 04, 2005
I think they won't stop until they have figured out a way to pass a "freedom tax". Then tax the crap out of anyone who expects to be free beyond their myopic view of the world.
on Apr 04, 2005
Perhaps their latest blog entries will have to be approved by a committee before they are allowed to be updated.

Really, registering your blogs? It's all a bit extreme, if you ask me.
on Apr 05, 2005

Short story: Won't affect blogs (hopefully).

The problem is with what politicians say and what courts say.  I doubt McCain/Feingold was meant to encompass blogs, yet Kotar Kelly says it does.  So when a Politician says "it will not....." have them specifically write it into the bill or the judges will make a liar out of them.

on Apr 10, 2005
Liberals drive me insane! I'll nuke em all. They go into The Right Dish and loves Chavez.
on Apr 11, 2005
smells a lot! and is gay
he has a queer brother called NATHAN