My blog about talking about the world as it is. No mincing of words.
What my blog is designed for
Published on February 19, 2005 By Mmrnmhrm In Welcome
I need another creative outlet. A place where I can talk about things. Controversal things. The liberating aspect of blogging is that people can discuss the kinds of things that need to be discussed without having the reprisals that exist in the real world.

When the President of Harvard recently suggested that inate differences between the sexes my possibly account for why women are so underrepresentatived in the math and science departments at universities, people called for his head. But he only said things that most non-idealogues already know - men and women are different and make different choices as a result.

If he had the privacy of the blogsphere, where he could excercise his freedom of speech without suffering reprisals from the legions affiliated with political correctness, I bet we would be entreated with a great deal of more useful and intelligent commentary. That is my goal for my blog. To speak the no holds barred truths on a wide variety of matters. Or if not truths, to at least put out there some food for thought.

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