The only movie I've ever walked out on was The Last Air Bender.
What about you? What movies have you walked out on, why?
The Blair Witch was probably the worst movie I have ever finished watching. I just assumed there would be some great payoff at the end, but the whole thing was crap and it was successful because it tricked people into thinking it was real. God I hate that movie.
I don't know if this counts, but my wife and I once walked out of an opera. Now, we both happen to like (some) operas, and this was Beethoven's only opera, Fidelio. But they did what's called a Regietheater production--meaning the stage director decided "To hell with the music and the text; I'll do what I want, none of it will make sense to you, and I'm getting paid a ton, so fuck you all!" The lead, a resistance fighter in effect, who isn't supposed to appear in act I (to make his appearance more startling in act II), nonetheless wandered around stage dressed in a robe with a giant flashing neon cross-in-heart on his chest. Instead of everyone being dressed in period costuming, we got to watch young women cracking gum and wheeling baby carriages, while guys in black suits, with sunglasses, wielded Uzis. Nobody looked at anyone else. I laughed for a bit, then found the unintentional humor monotonous, so we walked out.
Only thing I've ever walked out on. Though a few other things were once or twice kind of close.
"Pearl Harbor" (kicked out with group of friends for too many comments) and recently "The Master".
Love "Blair Witch Project" though
Suffered through "Red Thine Line", and i refuse to go to any movie by this director ("tree of life" being the last one)
"Thin Red line" is my second least favorite movie of all time. And Pearl Harbor was pretty terrible.
Natural Born Killers
Pulp Fiction. Really got on my nerves when it came out. Nowadays no prob at all.
I don't go to the movies.
You should. Then you can go out on them.
Heresy ....
Paranormal Activity. The only reason I didn't walk out was that I spent the movie yelling BOO at random intervals (it was prolly the only scare my friends got out of the stupid thing)
Unfortunately when I first saw paranormal activity I thought it was "supposed" to be real.
Didn't help that it was around Halloween
Later ofc, it was obvious it was all fake, but talk about a scary drive from the theatre
You are right and I apologize. Been awhile.
Natural Born Killers sucks...
Pulp fiction rocks.
Ever seen LOST IN YONKERS, great movie.
Kevin Costner sucks too.
I've never walked out on a movie, but I've had the fortune experienceing a whole school being thrown out of a theater....
The scenario took place in the mid 80's (I think).My school was invited to watch Gandhi at the local theater.
Picture this.... a theater packed with 150-200 restless teens watching an utter boring movie.... a massive fight breaks out on the screen.Everyone goes abso-friggin-lutely nuts, cheering at the fight and throwing popcorn, boxes, empty cups everywhere.....
10 min later we were all standing in the street - still cheering.
Best movie experience of my life. It. was. EPIC.
Fish Named Wanda....
I don't like you...